Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Candle Craft

These were fun to make. The candle holders (an op-shop* find) are brass, which didn't work with my decor so I gave them a white spray paint. It was then on to making the candles.  I melted some old candles I had and used tin cans as moulds. To decorate, I put some flowers on baking paper and poured hot wax on them, then rolled the candles up in the baking paper. When the wax was cold, I peeled the baking paper off .
Have fun! Have a go.

*An "op-shop" is an Australian term for "opportunity shop" or a shop that sells pre-loved goods for charity.

Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays


  1. Love the candle holders. I did some the other day. I have a blog post about them - brass and marble. I'm not a very good spray painter though. Yours look perfect. Like what you did with the candles too. I've got some really pretty paper serviettes I'm planning on using for something similar.

    Lisa x

  2. Great candle holders plus I learned what an op-shop is! :O)

    Happy Good Life Wednesday to you!

  3. This is a really awesome post! I would like to invite you to link it up to my link party, Masterpiece Monday, at my blog, Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week. I hope you can join in the fun! Mary :O)

  4. Love the candles Jo...they look really pretty when lit!Well done
