Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Going, Going... GREEN!

I was feeling in a green mood. In fact I dont think this chandlier is the end of it. I'm wearing green, which happens to been one of my most flattering colours, I think.

I mixed some white and green paint to get the right color green and painted away. I put some of the crystal jewels back on that I just happened to have in the shed and parts from an old, beaded door screen. 

I turned the shed inside-out to find that beaded screen! Then I cleaned up some strands and just draped them over .

What can I find next to do green?!

Have a great day,


  1. It looks so pretty Jo! Love the green.

    Lisa x

  2. fab idea- super gorgeous colour!!

    melissa ....

  3. Hoi nicht daar beneden

    My mother and my aunt sent me your website link! You're still creative I see! Nice chandlier!
    Í have my own webshop together with a friend of mine for all my creative ides! Check it out
    I saw a very cute Charly, playing guitar when I visited tante Ria en ome Ge. I believe he is the same age as my youngest Duko, turned 3 last November. He is as stupburn as the length he think he is. He thinks he is a very big boy! But not as big as his sweet brother Giel. I'm a very proud mom!

    I put your blog in my favorites for inspiration!

    Dikke kus van ons hier aan de andere kant
    And a very big kiss for your grandmother!!!

  4. I just love it! Just found your blog and I really like your style.
    Debbi @ the beach

  5. Love the green colour of the chandie!
