Sunday, December 11, 2011

The long long long Trailer

Have you seen the Movie "The long long trailer?".With lucille ball and desi arnes. Last night we watched it in Van der glam. What a laugh we had .If you love a laugh, gorgeous clothes and caravans, you will love this movie -  we did .Thanks to Claire for reminding me of this movie.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fine Dining

New dining area. Some days I get a little idea and get side tracked from van der Glam.
Chatting to a lovely friend Faye about decorating - a passion we both share. I mentioned I would love to make a dining table from and old door and an old sewing machine. Funny you should say that, says Faye, I have one you can have. REALLY? I couldnt believe it - an old tredle singer and it's gorgeous. A coating of white wash and and old door the assortment of chairs I had but I reckon my singer sewing dining table brings them together.
The night these pics were taken, I had a chef cook my dinner. She does look a little like Nigella - could it be??? cIt sure was yummy.
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