Okay, today I was thinking that we do all this stuff in a back yard thats 25 sq meters.
It's a resting, chatting, coffee area. A play in the sand pit area with paddle pool - Mummy's feet like it too! A hang out the wash area, and jazz-it-up furniture area, somewhere to put Mummy's bike, BBQ area and a cockerspaniel-in-the-sun Winnie area. This all happened today; now its a barmy night, the mossie coils are on and and the crazyness of the 25 sq meters is over. It's a truly peaceful place inside, lit in fairy lights .
Night-night all from my 25 sq meters
It's a resting, chatting, coffee area. A play in the sand pit area with paddle pool - Mummy's feet like it too! A hang out the wash area, and jazz-it-up furniture area, somewhere to put Mummy's bike, BBQ area and a cockerspaniel-in-the-sun Winnie area. This all happened today; now its a barmy night, the mossie coils are on and and the crazyness of the 25 sq meters is over. It's a truly peaceful place inside, lit in fairy lights .
Night-night all from my 25 sq meters
sounds and looks purrfect!!